FIBONACCI TUNNEL at Musashino Art University ©2008 Akio HIZUME GP program EDS bamboo project Musashino Art University
The University will do activity using bamboo collaborating with Institute of Technology in Baudun, Indonesia. I was invited by Musashino Art University as an astist in residence. I gave recture and workshop everyday for two weeks. The main project of this project was the construction of the Fibonacci Tunnnel. We cut 140 MOSO bamboo ourselves in Sho-Getsu temple in Saitama. Whole process was completely handmade. I only use natural materials, that is, bamboo and palm rope, that's all. It was successful. The Fibonacci Tunnel is very stable.
The bamboo materials were leftover of the Fibonacci Tunnel. They played very well and enjoyed it. I served coffee for guests and played music with students every evening.
Sho-Getsu Temple KEYAKI-SO |