i n t e r - n a t i v e
architecture OF music

2nd Feb.- 20th Feb. 2004
art space kimura ASK?
3-6-5 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo JAPAN

Click the image to get better imageipdf 332kbj
Library of Babel
Maze City of Kafka
Quasi-Crystal Universe of R. Penrose
Toward a New Style in Architecture
Islamic Medina

Law of Form
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
Deterministic Chaos

Golden Mean
A Standard Fractal Measure
Infinite middle
Pregnant Point
IDEA of Plants

Geometry for Freedom

Starcage Architecture Reflecting Diffusely
Six Dimensional Cathedral
Spiritual Property Museum
IDEA of Suq
Quasi-Periodic MANDARA

Sunflower Tower

Music Form Based on the Golden Mean
Real Number Music
Real Kecak System
Fibonacci Kecak with sound and light
Pythagorean Propelled by Ouroboros Engine
Installation of sound and light
My music does not repeat. It changes little by little.
There is neither end nor beginning.
A quasi-crystal city appears from interaction of infinite quasi-periodic rhythm.
Both the forms of architecture and music play a canon in common space across the several dimension spaces.
This architecture of music seems to be ethnic. Our body might already know the form.
Please go around the medina.
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Openning Reception : 2nd Feb. 17:00-19:00

Ensemble Starcage: 7th, 14th 17:00-18:00
We will playFibonacci Kecak using bamboo instruments inside Akio's installation. You can walk around any time.

Workshop : Let's make the Starcage #5 : 8th, 15th 13:00-17:00 (fee 1,500YEN)
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Support: Baba Shoukou Co.,Ltd
Cooperation: Yotsutani Lab. Ryukoku Univ.
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