S T A R C A G E #5
Copyright 1995 Akio HIZUME, All Rights Reserved
Patent No.3114086
This is a flat star called the Star Cage #5.
Let's throw it. |
It stands up itself.
He has come round and got life. |
1,300yen(without shipping cost)

kit |
1,000yen(without shipping cost) |

You can assemble your own STAR CAGE #5, a golden mean crystallization
that consists of six pentagrams composed of a total of 30 pieces, by hand
as you create your own beautiful star.
When completed, the star can be flattened, and when you give it a
relatively strong shock, it bursts into the star construction.
We hope that you will enjoy your STAR CAGE #5.
Star Cage Institute of Geometry
fax: 81-274-87-2828
STAR CAGE is the name of a pentagonal structure created originally by
Akio Hizume. The STAR CAGE #5 is the name of one of his works which was
created in 1995. He introduced his The STAR CAGE #5 under the name of
"PLEIADES", since the structure consisted of 6 5-pointed stars, in Vol. 4,
No. 1 (1995) and Vol. 5, No. 1 (1996) of the science magazine, "Hyper Space".
Special Thanks to Akira Nagashima and GIDC.
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